You may also view/download a PDF of the club’s Solo Supplements on our public folder HERE.

Solo Supplemental Rules 

All Solo events are run under current SCCA National Solo rules with the following amendments. 

1.3.2.D specified – Passengers are allowed at all events. Passengers must meet all requirements as defined in the current year SCCA Solo Rules. 

3.3 addition – While a car is competing, any and all windows that are adjacent to the driver or a passenger must be fully open or fully closed such that no part of the occupant may come in contact with an exposed edge of the glass. Windows adjacent to an occupant that do not open completely must, therefore, be fully closed, and convertibles running with the top down must have windows adjacent to an occupant fully open. 

3.3.4 extended – Any vehicle that requests a 10 minute mechanical delay must inform the grid worker of the nature of the problem, who must in turn inform the Chief of Technical Inspection or another event official appointed by the Chief of Technical Inspection. The Chief of Technical Inspection has the right to re-inspect any vehicle that requests a 10-minute mechanical, but is not required to do so. 

In the event that a vehicle is damaged, loses parts, or leaks fluids during an event, that car may not begin another run until it has been repaired and deemed safe by the Chief of Technical Inspection or another event official appointed by the Chief of Technical Inspection. 10 minutes are allowed to effect repairs after the car in question is due to make its next run. If repairs cannot be completed in this time, the car will receive a DNF for that run, and may be disqualified for the remainder of the event at the discretion of the Chief of Technical Inspection of another event official appointed by the Chief of Technical Inspection. 

3.5 altered –The Chief Safety Steward and Event Chairperson(s) will decide if a vehicle is too loud to run. Any imposed sound limits shall be announced via email and/or posted to the Central PA Region website. 

3.8 waived – Entrants do not need to possess manufacturer’s service documentation, although allowances supported by such still apply (e.g., the use of “crash bolts”). 

4.2.A extended and specified – Entry to a Central Pennsylvania Region event requires a current driver’s license or permit. The regional Executive Committee shall announce event entry fees prior to the start of the season (excluding special events), and shall also announce any changes to these fees in a timely manner. 

4.4.B altered – A vehicle may not be entered in a given heat more than twice unless given approval by the Event Chair prior to the start of the event. No other limits shall be placed on the number of times a vehicle may be entered in an event or class. 

4.6 altered – The driver is responsible for the correct determination of the car’s class/category. If in doubt as to classification or concerning the conformity of the car or its equipment to the rules governing the class, the Event Registrar and/or Event Chair shall make the determination. Any changes to the class of a car after the close of registration must be approved by the Event Chair. 

4.7 waived – The Central PA Region shall not offer parallel ladies classes. 

4.8.C specified  

a) There shall be an optional PAX class for Novices (N). Entry into (N) is limited to those entrants who have never participated in a Solo event or have competed in FOUR (4) or fewer events in the last 4 years. This class shall have no restrictions on eligible vehicle classes, providing all other rules for a particular class are followed. 

b) There shall be an Index PAX Class (I). This class shall have no restrictions on eligible vehicle classes, providing all other rules for a particular class are followed. 

Finishing position for all classes listed in this section will be determined by the use of the PAX/RTP multiplier for the current year. 

4.9 altered and extended – The Event Solo Safety Steward must pre-run the course as needed to test for flow and/or safety. The Event Chair may also pre-run the course as needed. This should be done in a car other than the one which the driver plans to use for competition, but these limitations are waived when no other cars are available and/or changes are made to the course on the day of competition. First-time drivers may be offered an optional, low-speed run before competition with an appointed instructor as passenger. 

5.1 waived – The Event Chair is also the Chief Steward. 

5.7 waived – The person ultimately responsible for timing and scoring is the Event Chair. 

5.8 waived – The main functions of the Chief of Course are fulfilled by the Starter (during competition) and Event Chair (before and after competition). 

5.9 waived – The functions of Chief of Impound are to be fulfilled by the Chief Technical Inspector with help from the Event Chair (even though no impounds are held). 

5.10 waived – Unless involved as a protestor or protestee, the Event Chair shall also be the Chief of Protest. 

5.11 waived – The Event Chair is also the Chief Steward. They may also serve as the Operating Steward, Chief of Timing and Scoring, Chief of Course (when not competing), Chief of Protest, and Course Designer. 

6.2 waived –Course maps are not required to be provided. 

6.7 waived – Subject to rule 1.3.2.D specified, of this document. 

6.8 specified and altered– Option D will be utilized whenever possible, as determined by the Event Chair and/or the event registrar. However, classes are not required to “run together” within a specific heat (e.g. if AS, BS, and CS are running in a heat, all cars in AS are not required to take their first runs before BS or CS competitors take their first runs). 

6.9 waived – It is assumed that all cars with weight limits are obeying these limits. Official protests concerning weight are specifically disallowed. 

6.10 waived – There shall be no impound. The Chief of Technical Inspection does not become the Chief of Impound until the Driver’s Meeting or the close of registration, whichever occurs later. 

6.11 addition – Preheating tires by driving beyond the paddock and grid area is prohibited. Preheating is hereby expanded to include driving faster than a walking pace within ten minutes of placing the car in grid. 

7.3 addition – When there is a cancellation of any portion of an event due to weather, no points will be awarded to any driver for that event, and the number of events required to qualify for a series points award will be reduced by one. If the event is cancelled during a heat, only the set of runs fully completed in that heat will be counted in previous heats. For example, if the cancellation occurs during the 4th run in the 2nd heat, then only runs 1-3 will be counted for heats 1 and 2. Any driver who receives fewer than half of their scheduled runs due to weather cancellation will receive a refund of their entry fees. 

7.4 altered – The Event Chair has the discretion to not require enforcement of the “five minute rule” for competitors to take an awarded rerun. Should the rule not be enforced, the Event Chair or designated personnel (e.g. grid worker) shall inform the competitor they make take their rerun “when ready”, provided it is taken prior to the end of their competition heat. 

7.5 altered – In the event of a tie during a single day event, the competitors shall share the position earned. 

7.7 waived – Times and penalties need not be tabulated or displayed before the end of competition. 

7.8.1 altered – Pylon boxes need not be of a specific size or shape. If a box becomes non-visible, the decision of Event Chair as to replacement location is final. 

7.8.3 altered – If all four tires of a vehicle leave the paved surface simultaneously and go onto an unpaved surface, or as otherwise indicated at the driver’s meeting of the event; the run will be scored as “off course” even if no gates or pylons are missed. 

7.9 altered – The format in which results are reported is unspecified. Official results will be posted to the Central Pennsylvania Region website ( in a timely fashion. Protests against the results must be filed in person at the first General Meeting of the Region after the results appear on the website. 

8 altered – Before an official protest is filed, the potential protestor must discuss the matter with either the potential protestee or an event official. 

8.2 altered – Protests do not have to be in writing. Protests should be filed with the Event Chair or Chief of Impound (Chief of Technical Inspection). 

8.2.1 altered – Official protests require a $25 fee. 

8.2.2 altered – Protests must be filed before the last competition run is completed. 

8.3.2 waived – Protested cars will not be impounded. 

8.4 specified – The Protest Committee shall consist of the Chief of Technical Inspection, the event official who registered the protested driver or car, and one other person named by the Event Chair, with the provision that all are members of the SCCA. 

9.4 altered – Implementation of penalties will be decided by officers as needed on a case-by-case basis. 

11. altered and specified  

Solo Event Awards: Event awards may be provided to the winners, if they meet the following criteria: 1st place if two (2) or more competitors in class, 2nd place if three (3) competitors or more in class, 3rd place if four (4) or more competitors in class. Points per event are awarded as follows: first: 20pts, second: 16pts, third: 13pts, fourth: 11pts, fifth: 9pts, sixth: 7pts, seventh: 6pts, eighth: 5pts, ninth: 4pts, tenth: 3pts, eleventh: 2pts, twelfth and beyond: 1pt. 

Solo Series Points Awards: Competitors must participate in more than one half of the series points events in a given class to be eligible for solo series points awards. A competitor’s series-end ranking will be determined by the sum of their series event points. Points may be dropped from every competitor’s lowest-scoring events at the discretion of the Solo Committee. The number of events to be dropped will be determined by the Solo Committee and announced to the membership prior to each series. In the case of a class tie in the solo series points, the winner shall be determined by the following means: The best official time of each competitor will be taken on an individual basis from each of the events in which all competitors involved in the tie participated and a cumulative total will be generated. Series ending position will be determined by the lowest cumulative official time being determined as the winner. Solo Series Points Awards shall be awarded to the top 3 eligible competitors in each class. 

Year End Member Only Competition Awards: Year End Member Only Competition Awards shall be determined based on a written procedure approved by the Central Pennsylvania Region membership. These awards may include Solo Champion, Rally Champion & Club Racing Champion. 

Year End Member Only Activity Awards: Year End Member Only Activity Awards shall be determined based on a written procedure approved by the Central Pennsylvania Region membership. These awards may include Most Active Event Worker, Most Active Race Worker, Most Active Member, and Most Active New Member. 

Additional Year End Awards: Additional Year End Awards shall be determined based on a written procedure approved by the Central Pennsylvania Region membership. Persons receiving these awards do not need to be SCCA members. These awards may include, but are not limited to, Worker of the Year, Most Understanding Spouse, Spirit of Racing, and Competitors’ Choice. 

13.3.C.4 specified – Tires appearing on the National Event Exclusion List found in 13.3.C.4 may not be used in classes requiring 200TW tires in Central Pennsylvania Region Solo events. The region also reminds competitors that these tires may be used in classes that do not require 200TW tires. 

Revised 05/07/24 

Competition Rules and Site Regulations 

Goal: To avoid any conflicts and to ensure that all competitors and their guests at Central Pennsylvania Region-SCCA understand the operations of our events. Some of these procedures may be different from other regions. Most importantly our goal is to have fun. 

Mid-State Regional Airport: All competitors and non-competitors (General Public; family, friends, guests) must remember that this is an active airport and planes will be coming in and out during the course of the day for refueling or to tie down. 

This is an airport first and an event site second. Please keep this in mind when delays occur. There are specific areas at the airport that non-competitors and workers are allowed to be in. Please consult an event official if you are unsure of which areas are off-limits. Any competitor hitting and damaging a runway light will be required to pay a replacement fee of $250. 

Conduct: We are guests at all event facilities. Please act accordingly. We have worked hard to secure these sites and we don’t want to lose them. Please do not exceed the posted speed limits or drive recklessly on any of the roads leading to or from the event site. We also ask you to respect the facility property. Certain areas are off-limits for parking and spectators; consult an event official if you are unsure which areas you are permitted to be in. While driving on the event site keep speeds at a walking pace. If anyone is deemed to be in violation of our policies they may be asked to leave the site and not return. Personal Conveyances: Skateboards, hoverboards, Segways, bicycles, scooters, and similar personal conveyances may not be ridden in any hot area of an event site, except for transit to/from course work stations at Mid-State Airport. Any such conveyance must be LAID DOWN in the grass area a minimum of 25 feet from the paved surface. All motorized conveyances are subject to site speed limits and must follow normal vehicle traffic flow routes, including in paddock. Conveyances may be used by event officials and safety stewards to expedite their duties. 

Waivers and Wrist Bands: Everyone who enters the area of a Central Pennsylvania Region event must sign a waiver or present their SCCA annual waiver hard card and get a wrist band. The waiver signature form and wrist bands can be found at or near the registration table or site entrance. If you cannot find them, please ask any Central Pennsylvania Region representative. 

Registration: Registration is open from 8:00am to 9:30am. Competitors must show a valid driver’s license or permit to compete. If you are new and have any questions, please do not hesitate to ask, and the registration staff can assist you or direct you to another member that can help. 

Tech. Inspection: Tech inspections start at 8:00am and end at 9:30am. All vehicles competing must go through Tech. Please remove any and all loose items from your car prior to tech (this includes floor mats and wheel covers). Make sure the battery is securely fastened, there are no fluids leaking from the engine, and the vehicle is in good working condition. Vehicles and Safety equipment must comply with SCCA Safety Regulations. 

Drivers Meeting: The drivers meeting is mandatory for all competitors. If you are not present at the driver’s meeting you cannot compete. Club and/or event rules and regulations will be covered during this meeting. The drivers meeting will take place at approximately 9:45am and will be announced shortly before that. 

Competition Runs: Competition runs are divided into two or more run groups (heats) depending upon the number of competitors. Competition runs may also be divided into “morning” and “afternoon” sessions (referred to as a “split heat format”). Use of the split heat format will be announced the day of the event. All competitors must work at least one heat. Non-Competition Runs: Our region may offer non-competition (referred to as “non-comp”) runs at the end of the day, as time and weather permits. Cost and number of runs will be announced when the decision to offer non-comp runs is made. Non-comp runs take place after all of the competition heats are finished and awards for the day are presented. Only drivers who competed in Competition Runs are allowed to do non-comp runs. Those who wish to do non-comp runs are divided into two heats with the second heat drivers working the course while the first heat drivers run, and then switch for heat two. Participants in non-comp runs are required to stay and help clean up. Work Assignments: When you register for a competition heat, you will be given a work assignment during a heat in which you are not driving. Typically, your work assignment will be the heat following the heat you run in, with the last heat competitors working the first heat, however the final run/work order will be provided at registration and/or confirmed at the drivers meeting. You must take work assignments seriously. The event depends on you for smooth operation. Work assignment will be covered in greater detail at the drivers meeting. If you run and then fail to perform a work assignment, you will be disqualified and your times for the day will not be counted. Repeat failures to perform a work assignment at an event you compete in may result in revoked privileges to compete in Central Pennsylvania Region events. 

Grid: The grid will be clearly marked with cones and chalk lines when possible. Please return to your space after each run. While in grid you must keep speeds at a walking pace, this is a heavily trafficked area. Only the cars that are running in that specific heat are to be in grid at that time. A specific area of the grid may be set aside for cars with multiple drivers. The Course: The course will be open for walking as soon as possible following approval by the event chair and safety steward. The course will be closed for walking at 9:30am. The start of the course will be marked with green cones. Our region asks that all drivers walk the course. All novice drivers must walk the course. No race line or part of the course will be through the grass. If all four wheels of your vehicle are in the grass simultaneously, it will be counted as a Did Not Finish (DNF) and your run will not count. 

Novice Drivers: Our region makes it mandatory for all novice drivers to walk the course as to avoid any confusion on the direction of the course. When offered, a novice meeting and course walk will begin at approximately 9:20. Experienced members will be available throughout the morning to walk along and explain key elements of the course. 

Novice Drive Through (optional): Our region offers this to FIRST TIME competitors to Solo events. This is a slow drive through the course with an experienced driver designated by the club Officers. These take place after the drivers meeting and before the start of competition runs, if time allows. 

Loaner Helmets: These are available to competitors and their passengers if needed. They are typically located at the timing van. If you need to borrow a loaner helmet, you must provide a photo ID as collateral, which will be returned once the helmet has been returned. When your run is completed please return the loaner helmet to the designated area. We only have limited numbers and sizes and someone may be waiting for one in order to start their run. 

See Also: Central Pennsylvania Region Solo Supplemental Rules – Amendments to the SCCA Solo Rule book. 

Revised 05/07/24