Test and Tune Results/Photos

Test and Tune went well on Sunday – results are posted on the site (investigating the oddity of similar times, it’s a new system so it was getting tested also!).  A big thanks to Chris Paveglio for taking some photos and video, his work can be found in the Facebook Group- https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=oa.10156196042324831&type=3

We look forward to seeing everyone in two weeks at points event 1!  Don’t forget to get pre-registered online!

SCCA-CPR Club Meeting Reminder – March

Hello Everyone – The monthly club meeting is tomorrow – Tuesday, March 13th.  Remember, meetings are now being held at Hoss’s Steak and Seafood on N Atherton Street in State College.  The meeting will start at 7:00 PM, feel free to arrive at 6:00 PM for food, drinks, and casual conversation!

I look forward to everyone being there to get updates about everything going on in the club and preparation for the 2018 season as it is just around the corner. 

Hope to see you all there!!
Cliff Moten – 2018 Asst. RE.

Schedule Update

Schedule Update

The Central PA Region SCCA

Due to a conflict with the venue, Event 2 at CPI which was originally scheduled for 5/20 must be moved to 5/13 (one week earlier).  Apologies for this change and thank you for your understanding.  The entire schedule may be seen below or on our website at www.scca-cpr.com.

2018 SCCA-CPR Schedule (changes in bold)

As always we look forward to seeing everyone at the coming month’s club meeting and at our events this season.

The Central PA Region SCCA
[email protected]

MINOR SCHEDULE UPDATE due to a conflict at the venue the 5/20 event at CPI will now be on 5/13 (a week earlier).

The Keystone Cup Series

Steel Cities, Misery Bay, and Central PA are working on something really cool this year – a 3 event series called the KEYSTONE CUP!

Entrants will sign up before the first event of the series via MSR and get a T-Shirt and sweet sticker for your car for $20. Normal fees apply to events at each region. Results will be PAX based (just like our SPS contingency program) and trophies will be awarded to at least the top 3 drivers!

More details to come as the 3 regions work out the details!  (there’s also a discussion in our Facebook Group regarding this new series)

2018 Pre-Season Updates

2018 Autocross Season

The 2018 Season will kick-off on April 15th with Test’n’Tune at CPI.  The 2018 SCCA-CPR schedule is posted on our site, registration links are live so feel free to pre-register for events    

Central PA Region has a new website!

Toward the end of last season Cliff Moten took over as the club webmaster.  Over the past few months efforts were made to rebuild the site in the background giving it a new look and feel as well as a little different navigation feel.  The new site was ‘soft launched’ two nights ago.  If you haven’t yet seen it head over to www.scca-cpr.com to check out the new site.  Don’t forget to check frequently for updates such as blog articles, event results, meeting minutes, and photos!

Sponsorship Drive

As we all know our sponsors help make our events possible!  New sponsors are always welcomed however, the deadline for sponsors to be included in the club brochure is April 11th.  To see our current and new sponsors or download the packet visit the newly designed sponsorship page here – http://scca-cpr.com/site/sponsors.  Don’t forget, if you bring in a NEW sponsor at the Gold, Silver, or Bronze level you’ll receive a coupon for one free autocross!  If you have any questions please contact our Sponsorship Chair, Jenn Moten – [email protected].  

SCCA Track Night In America Grant

The SCCA Track Night In America program raised money last year in which the SCCA created a grant with to help regions further develop their SCCA programs.  In case you didn’t know our region was one of twenty-seven awarded this gran from the SCCA!  We’ll be using funds to ‘Go Wireless’ with our timing system.  A huge thanks to everyone who helped work through the process, especially Chris Paveglio’s wife for doing the grant writing work and dealing with all of us!  Read more about the grant here – https://tinyurl.com/y9acydnj


We look forward to seeing everyone at next month’s club meeting and at our events this season.

The Central PA Region SCCA
[email protected]